Behind the Press: a letterpress blog by Dinglewood Design and Press / letterpress

Letterpress Art Deco Wedding Invitations

Letterpress Art Deco Wedding Invitations

That moment when you’re packaging Letterpress Art Deco Wedding Invitations and Frank Sinatra’s “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” starts playing on Spotify. It’s moments like these that remind me that I am so lucky that I get to create

Christy Etheredge
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Today on the Press: Fall Letterpress Coasters

Today on the Press: Fall Letterpress Coasters

The mums are getting ready to bloom, there’s sap on the cars and the squirrels are already busy eating the pecans on our pecan tree (or for those of us in the south, Peh-cahn.) That can only mean one thing:

Christy Etheredge
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Letterpress Monogram Stationery

Letterpress Monogram Stationery

“My rule is, if it’s not moving, monogram it.” ~ Reese Witherspoon For more letterpress stationery including monogram designs, couples designs, business logo stationery, and more check out our stationery! 


Christy Etheredge
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Letterpress Coaster Business Cards

Letterpress Coaster Business Cards

When it came time to design new business cards for myself I knew I had to do something different. I always get that sneaking suspicion that someone is going to just toss my card away without plugging my info into

Christy Etheredge
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